
Saturday, October 15, 2022

Essential Car Insurance Coverage

You could be wondering which insurance coverage is most crucial despite the fact that there are numerous options for auto insurance. The type of car insurance you require at the time of a loss is arguably the most crucial coverage, but because each accident is unique, we can never be sure of what that coverage will be. What we do know is that depending on our individual circumstances, we may be able to obtain coverage in addition to that which is mandated by law.

Here are a few things to think about when deciding whether insurance is necessary and where you have more leeway.

The Most Important Automobile Insurance Protection
The minimum liability and property damage coverage required by your state must be considered the most crucial insurance. The most important thing you can do to keep your driving privileges is to keep your automobile insured. Driving without a license exposes you to fines and license loss. Without liability insurance, you run the risk of incurring severe fines as well as costs for the harm you did.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Proses Poles Marmer , Ipul Marble

Proses poles marmer dikota surabaya serta poles marmer di jakarta , berikut gambar-gambar hasil poles marmer dan pasang marmer

Kami didukung tenaga Ahli dibidangnya yg sudah puluhan tahun berkecimpung didunia Marmer dan Granit

Silahkan Dibuktikan Sendiri


Puleh Sugiarto 
Lontar GG Sumur Gowa no 54 Surabaya

Tlp. 087788733980

Tag. Poles marmer, pasang marmer, poles marmer surabaya, poles marmer jawa timur, pasang marmer surabaya, pasang marmer jawa timur, poles granit, pasang granit surabaya, poles granit surabaya


Monday, March 25, 2019


POLES MARMER SURABAYA, Ipul Marble poles marmer surabaya melayani:

 1. Pasang Marmer
 2. Poles Marmer
 3. Pasang Granit
 4. Poles Granit
 5. Repair Marmer
 6. Kupas Marmer

Kualitas yang kami jaga, Hasil yang utama,,, Buktikan

Setelah Dipoles

Proses Poles

Perum Citraland
Jl. Ketabang Kali SBY

sebelum dipoles

proses Kupas Marmer

Kami didukung tenaga Ahli dibidangnya yg sudah puluhan tahun berkecimpung didunia Marmer dan Granit

Silahkan Dibuktikan Sendiri


Puleh Sugiarto
Lontar GG Sumur Gowa no 54 Surabaya

Tlp. 087788733980

Tag. Poles marmer, pasang marmer, poles marmer surabaya, poles marmer jawa timur, pasang marmer surabaya, pasang marmer jawa timur, poles granit, pasang granit surabaya, poles granit surabaya


Sunday, March 15, 2009

Successful Forex Trading: Forex Hates Procrastinators

What have you put off today? Something important you had to do that you ended up not doing? Well i am sorry to say this but Forex doesn't like you very much, it won't actually come out and say this, but it will definatley show you by eating all your money.

Why do lazy people flounder in the forex market?

1. They put off getting a broker too long and then often make a bad choice.

2. They don't do any research or engage in education and therefore end up gambling.

3. They clutter up informative blogs and forums with their incessant whines about how forex is a scam and can anyone lend them $20 because they are good for it.

4. They are often emotional about trades and will either get too excited after a good trade or try to take revenge on the market after a bad loss.

Does this look like a successful traders mindset to you? Of course it isn't. Are you guilty of any of these things? If you are get it sorted ASAP, not or my sake, but for your own. It isn't my money you are gambling away. "But i thought forex is investing not gambling?" Thank you! I don't gamble in forex, i invest, many other traders i know invest as well. Whats the difference? Education my friend, education. We know what we are doing, and make educated decisions about where we want our money, a forex gambler wakes up in the morning and just decides then and there where he is going to flush away some more money. They don't research, they don't even know what a chart looks like, they just go with uneducated gut feelings.

But let's stop talking about forex gamblers before i have a stroke, what about successful traders?

1. They research brokers and then choose one and stick to it until the broker gives them reason not to.

2. They are always learning. What is a better indicator to use? What have i done wrong in the last week? This is the kind of thing that sharpens their trading sword so sharp it could cut space and time.

3. They don't post often, they might not ever post on a forum or blog. To them forex is about learning and they would rather listen then speak. Humble eh?

4. They keep their cool. They know that a win can turn into a loss and the other way around within the next 5 minutes. They have the experience and they have already set up their trades to accomodate for a turn in fortune. They are in control. Well mostly.

So the main point of all this text is to realize that if you can't even bother having a shower when you wake up in the morning, how are you ever going to be successful in something as demanding, but equally as rewarding as forex? You aren't because forex hates you.

Forex King

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

What's a Light ?

The sunset and a flying light. what's that ?

I take this picture when the sunset from my home with my camera in the city of BATU MALANG INDONESIA.

This picture I take deliberately not deliberately,The begin I will take sunset photographs from the attic of my house look beautiful. I take 7 times and this is the last image which appears what is that like a light aircraft somewhere ghost or angel I don’t know. I don’t have a purpose whatever to post this picture just shows that there are other world than us, and adds my faith to ALLOH SWT.

This photo without camera tricks or engineering. please examined their own authenticity.