
Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Hand Is The Map Of Soul

If one can claim that the eyes are the windows to the soul, then in the same way, the hand is the map of the soul.

The art of reading palms probably began centuries ago in India. Through the ages, palmistry spread throughout the world, and is common in many cultures. The notion that one's temperament and one's fate can be revealed through the hand resonates in a way that transcends the boundaries of time and place.

In many ways, Palmistry in Western cultures aligns very closely with the concepts of the Zodiac, based on Ancient Greek mythology. The shape of the hand and fingers, lines and mounds of the palm are described in terms that are very similar to the horoscope. The elements, the stars and planets, and the gods of mythology are linked to each part of the hand, and indicate particular characteristics.

A person's dominant hand is typically read to assess the most prominent influences on one's character. Experienced readers will also examine the other hand, for this will provide insights as well. In some cases, the non-dominant hand will reveal influences from one's past lives.

Palm Reading - The Elements

The shape of the hand determine its relationship to the elements:

Broad and square, palm length and finger length nearly equal. Coarse and ruddy skin texture.

Square palms, with the palm shorter than the long fingers. Prominent knuckles and low thumbs. Skin texture can be very dry.

Oval palm, long, conical fingers. The palm is longer than wide, but the length of the palm and the length of the fingers is nearly equal.

Square palm, with fingers shorter than the length of the palm, with pink skin tones.

Lines of the Hands
The major hand lines are the Head Line, the Heart Line and the Life Line. These are generally the most prominent lines, traveling mostly horizontally across the palm. They represent the basic characteristics of a person: the state of one's mind - Head, one's emotions - Heart and one's physical well-being - Life.

Other lines are usually apparent on the hand. A skillful reader will use these lesser lines to develop a more insightful profile of their subject.

The Mounds
The third most distinctive aspect of the palm are the mounds created by the underlying muscles and joints in the hand. Here again we see the relationship to astrology. Each major mound conveys the influence of the moon or planet associated with it. The fingers also reveal the aspects of the planetary influence on the mound directly beneath each finger.

There are also dozens of additional signifiers on the hand that may or may not be present on any one individual's palm. Combinations of lines and shapes, or even the absence of certain lines, are as unique as one's fingerprints. The style of interpretation of the palm varies greatly in different cultures, with different reader's methods or school of thought, and through time.. Certainly, some characteristics associated with behaviors or even mental illnesses have been reformed as we learn more of how the brain functions. A reader needs to be sensitive to many influences in order to accurately interpret the signals and characteristics that are revealed through the palm.

by Rhyanna Regan


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